Gold wave tables are efficient gold recovery devices
Water flow when using the wavetable

FAQ: Water flow when using the wavetable


I see that the feed water from the pipe onto the table is not consistent, and would like to plug some of the holes to get a better flow from the remaining holes. What would you suggest as the best material to seal some of these holes?


I would not plug any holes up. I modify my Tables so that water enters each end of the cons wash water spray bar. This seems to even out the water pressure/flow better. I add a discharge hole at each end to ensure that the water spray is reaching the extreme sides of the deck. Plugging holes will create other problems, like concentrating the flow to a smaller number of spots on the deck, thereby washing down on to the cons line too aggressively. You want to achieve a gentle, even flow of cons wash water. With some feeds, one can back off the cons water to a dribble. Any higher flow will try to wash some of the gold down slope. So it is a balancing act to get the table tilt, water flow and bump just right for your feed material. After a few goes, you will get the hang of it. (Yes, the wave table can also be termed a bump table because of this bumping!)

Always have the dummy sample available to test your set up.

Try not to dump lots of cons in to the catch trough. With small sample runs, it’s best to allow the gold-rich cons to just trickle over in to the catch trough. You should be able to watch the gold particles ride up slope and over-top in to the trough. I often fit a cork/plug in to the cons discharge hole. Any gold will then collect in the trough, which one can later wash in to a container. By plugging up the hole, the wash water fills the trough and evenly flows down slope from the weir.

Recommended reading A-Z

3 models of the Gold Wave Table
Assay equipment
Centrifugal concentrator for minerals recovery
Chemical leaching system
Concentrating tables save money
Efficiently recovering fine gold from rock
FAQ: Fine tuning a wave table
FAQ: Getting samples into Australia
FAQ: More on sample sizes
FAQ: Recovering very fine gold from alluvial mining concentrate
FAQ: Settings for small samples
FAQ: Using the vacuum cleaner
FAQ: Water flow when using the wavetable
FAQ: What do you mean, cons?
Free DVD shows Gold Wave Table
Gravity gold rush
How a magnetic separator works
Improving gold recovery rates
Jaw crushers for minerals recovery
Kalgoorlie demo for Gold Wave Table
Mineral recovery methods
Recovering very fine gold
See the impact hammer mill
Why the Micron Mill wave table is better

About Ian

Ian is the Australian agent for Action Mining, manufacturers of the innovative Micron Mill Wave Table. He also conducts wet gravity recovery tests and related metallurgical lab work such as fine milling of ores and size classification, and supplies new and used mining, mineral processing, construction and laboratory equipment.

Ian is also a JP (Justice of the Peace).

BE Mining (Hons I),

Contacting Ian

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