Gold wave tables are efficient gold recovery devices
FAQ: Getting samples into Australia

FAQ: Getting samples into Australia


G’day Ian, thank you for these details requested. I am surprised the Aussie Quarantine Dept. will allow mineral samples from outside Aussie via post without first irradiation, physical checks etc., before passage to addressee? I shall discuss this matter with our most experienced Geologist, then organise accordingly.


You will need a Certificate/document (from a lab/uni etc ) stating that the material :

1. is not soil…but an inert mineral sample like sand
2. was derived from below 6 m depth of cover
3. does not contain any organic/vegetative matter
4. that the sample is going to a mineral test lab for analysis.

Customs/Quarantine will open and inspect, usually.

Must keep weight below 20 kgs total for OHS reasons. So go for a 19kgs max wt.


Recommended reading A-Z

3 models of the Gold Wave Table
Assay equipment
Centrifugal concentrator for minerals recovery
Chemical leaching system
Concentrating tables save money
Efficiently recovering fine gold from rock
FAQ: Fine tuning a wave table
FAQ: Getting samples into Australia
FAQ: More on sample sizes
FAQ: Recovering very fine gold from alluvial mining concentrate
FAQ: Settings for small samples
FAQ: Using the vacuum cleaner
FAQ: Water flow when using the wavetable
FAQ: What do you mean, cons?
Free DVD shows Gold Wave Table
Gravity gold rush
How a magnetic separator works
Improving gold recovery rates
Jaw crushers for minerals recovery
Kalgoorlie demo for Gold Wave Table
Mineral recovery methods
Recovering very fine gold
See the impact hammer mill
Why the Micron Mill wave table is better

About Ian

Ian is the Australian agent for Action Mining, manufacturers of the innovative Micron Mill Wave Table. He also conducts wet gravity recovery tests and related metallurgical lab work such as fine milling of ores and size classification, and supplies new and used mining, mineral processing, construction and laboratory equipment.

Ian is also a JP (Justice of the Peace).

BE Mining (Hons I),

Contacting Ian

If you are interested, Ian would be pleased to hear from you. Write to: [more]