Chemical Leaching System for Non Cyanide Gold Leaching
Chemical Leaching System

Chemical Leaching System for Non Cyanide Gold Leaching

We can also provide expert guidance to help you implement a Chemical Leaching System, as a viable alternative to using cyanide.

The Chemical Leaching System is a Non Cyanide gold leaching system.

Ian can supply the various CLS leaching agents. You can contact him at or by using the Contact info here at the site.

To quote from the ActionMining catalog:

CLS Leaches™ – formulas available for purchase

CLS 20, 21 and 22 were developed in the 1970s designed to work at room temperature (60 – 80° F.) It has become increasingly difficult to ship chemicals, especially internationally. Therefore, we have ceased to mix these CLSes but offer the formulas for purchase so that the necessary chemicals can be obtained locally and mixed in-house by the consumer. Our leach products are acidic leaches, that can be re-used, getting better results in most cases than single compound leaches. Any complex ore can be tested with CLS-20, 21, and 22. Each leach has different oxidizers and leaching components. One of these combinations may work better on your ore. They are not for concentrates.

Concentrates should be tested with CLS-25, a gold leach. If you are interested in purchasing the formulas, please contact us.

NOTE: IT IS POSSIBLE TO LEACH TOO LONG. ALL LEACHES KNOWN WILL BEGIN TO PRECIPITATE GOLD BACK INTO THE ORE AT SOME POINT. This usually doesn’t happen for as many as 72 hours, but in some ores it can happen in a few hours. WATCH FOR IT!

Still available pre-mixed:

* CLS 25

CLS 25 is a very reactive leach for concentrates.

8 lbs. Cat #CLS-25-8
150# bulk rate Cat #CLS-25-150

* CLS 26P

We are phasing out 1 lb containers due to high packing & shipping costs! Limited quantities available.

CLS 26P is our leaching compound for the platinum group metals in ores or catalytic converter material. As with all our leaching compounds, the solutions are re-usable by ‘strengthening’ with additional powder.

10 lbs. Cat #CLS-26P10

Eco-Friendly Approaches to Gold Extraction

In the world of mining, gold extraction has long been synonymous with the use of cyanide. This highly toxic chemical has been a staple in the industry for decades due to its effectiveness in separating gold from ore. However, the environmental impact of cyanide in gold mining cannot be ignored. From contaminating water sources to endangering wildlife and human health, the negative consequences are far-reaching.

As concerns about sustainability and environmental responsibility continue to grow, innovative technologies for cyanide-free gold extraction are gaining traction. These alternative methods offer a more eco-friendly approach to mining that minimizes harm to the environment and local communities. One such technology is thiosulfate leaching, which uses a non-toxic compound to dissolve gold from ores without the need for cyanide.

The benefits of adopting these eco-friendly methods in gold mining are numerous. Not only do they reduce the risk of environmental contamination, but they also improve worker safety and public perception of the industry. Companies that embrace sustainable practices often see increased investor interest and access to new markets as consumers become more conscious of where their products come from.

Several case studies highlight successful cyanide-free gold extraction projects around the world. For example, in Western Australia, a mine successfully implemented a gravity-based process that eliminated the need for cyanide entirely. This project not only reduced environmental impact but also improved operational efficiency and profitability.

Despite these successes, there are challenges in implementing alternative gold extraction methods on a larger scale. One major hurdle is the upfront cost of transitioning from traditional practices to more sustainable ones. Additionally, regulatory barriers and technical limitations can slow down progress towards widespread adoption of eco-friendly technologies.

Looking towards the future, sustainable mining is gaining momentum as companies recognize the importance of reducing their environmental footprint. The shift towards cyanide-free practices is not only necessary for meeting regulatory requirements but also crucial for maintaining social license to operate in an increasingly environmentally conscious world.

Breaking the mold in gold extraction means moving away from reliance on cyanide towards more sustainable and eco-friendly methods. By embracing innovative technologies, learning from successful case studies, and overcoming challenges together, the mining industry can pave the way for a greener and more responsible future.

Recommended reading A-Z

3 models of the Gold Wave Table
Assay equipment
Centrifugal concentrator for minerals recovery
Chemical leaching system
Concentrating tables save money
Efficiently recovering fine gold from rock
FAQ: Fine tuning a wave table
FAQ: Getting samples into Australia
FAQ: More on sample sizes
FAQ: Recovering very fine gold from alluvial mining concentrate
FAQ: Settings for small samples
FAQ: Using the vacuum cleaner
FAQ: Water flow when using the wavetable
FAQ: What do you mean, cons?
Free DVD shows Gold Wave Table
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How a magnetic separator works
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Jaw crushers for minerals recovery
Kalgoorlie demo for Gold Wave Table
Mineral recovery methods
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See the impact hammer mill
Why the Micron Mill wave table is better

About Ian

Ian is the Australian agent for Action Mining, manufacturers of the innovative Micron Mill Wave Table. He also conducts wet gravity recovery tests and related metallurgical lab work such as fine milling of ores and size classification, and supplies new and used mining, mineral processing, construction and laboratory equipment.

Ian is also a JP (Justice of the Peace).

BE Mining (Hons I),

Contacting Ian

If you are interested, Ian would be pleased to hear from you. Write to: [more]